PRP abbreviated as Platelet Rich Plasma in Saudi Arabia is
the latest treatment that gives natural results. PRP treatment involves the
usage of person’s own plasma cells. This treatment has a long history of being
used in surgeries, orthopedic medicine and now its benefits are also applied to
other fields of life.
How the procedure of
PRP done?
The procedure of PRP involves a minor amount of blood that
is carried out from the patient’s body and then placed in the sterile tube that
helps in separating the red blood cells from plasma. Plasma is a golden yellow
kind of liquid known as PRP. This PRP is injected to fat layer of skin with the
help of small needles resulting in naturally healthier and younger appearance.
How much time
procedure of PRP takes?
PRP procedure takes 45 to 90 minutes. The time also depends
upon area to be treated. If the area is large then time will be taken according
to that area and if treatment area is less then it will take almost 45 minutes
for the procedure.
How PRP works in a
different way?
PRP treatment works different from other injectable
treatments. In PRP, a person is injected with a product from one’s own body
that would be natural and is then injected to the desired area for more
localized results.
What to do to enhance
PRP results?
PRP treatment for hair loss can be enhanced when combining with almost all
the treatments. Most of the medical doctorsin Saudi Arabia combine injections
of PRP with the surgical and non-surgical treatments to get the best results.
Benefits of PRP
treatment in Saudi Arabia:
Skin texture is improved
Skin brightness is improved
wrinkles are softened
Softness of skin is increased
Sun harm, dark circles are also improved
Rosy glow of skin is restored
Are the PRP results
effective for all?
For some patients like smokers or drug addicts, the results
may not be very effective because the quality of PRP is not that much good in
that kind of patients but, other than this, the results of PRP are very
effective and natural.
- 1. Saudi Arabia has best surgeons and experts with well experienced staff.
- 2. The results are unbelievable.
- 3. Treatment is done without any pain.
- 4. Affordable cost.
- 5. Safe and reliable.